P Thomas Lambert's Views and Comments about his work with Photography by Lambert


Our Dreams Site now has a new look and feel

dreams page

Our new Dreams Site is now up and running.   We will be adding more content in the future.   Plus our gallery needs to updated with new and fresh portraits.

If your interested and live in the Asheville North Carolina area, go to our site and select the contact portion of the page and let us know you want to be feature in our gallery.

P Thomas Lambert

New Changes to an Old Web Site.


Over the past few weeks, I have been rebuilding our web site and staying to a more minimalist look.   The Galleries still need some changes an updates, but the new webs’ foundation is set.

Major Price reduction for High School Senior Portraits.

Okay, I have to admit it, I was not using my noodle when I came up with the original pricing for our local High School Seniors.


And more important are the deer in the head light looks that I had gotten from my Senior Moms when they had seen our old prices.    Well after a few comments from potential customers, we pulled the plug on the old prices and came out with these new set of prices.



And no, I was not drinking, or on some sort of drug, I just never used my brain until now.

So call and book us for your Seniors Portrait Session, we do require a $250 retainer, but that money becomes a credit for your High School Seniors Portrait Purchase.

And no, this is not an offer that will expire anytime soon.


Our New Senior Site is Up


After almost a two year Hiatus, Lambert Style and Photography by Lambert has re-launched our Senior Portrait Site.  Today our site is much more Phone and Tablet friendly and will provide our parents with the information that is needed to make an informed investment in their son or daughter portraits.

We are not officially associated with any high school for producing year book photos, but we are an alternative to the limited offerings from the year book photographers.    As we have stated in the past, your students photos for the year book are taken by a contract photographer, and those are the photos that will be used in their year book.   But you are not obligated to purchase any of those photos even though the contract photographer might try to per-sway you to purchase some of those photos.   As a parent or even a student looking for Senior Portraits, you will want your Senior Portraits to be Unique to you but with a quality above the rest, Lambert Style should be your first choice.

Give us a call or visit our web site and get into our special Seniors Models Offer.

Call us at:

(301) 898-2192

And setup your appointment today.

Photography by Lambert has a New Web Site.


Photography by Lambert has embarked into a new direction, Commercial Photography.    We have shot commercial photography in the past, but now we are focusing more towards product and catalog photography.   We do have a long ways to go but it is a road worth traveling.

We haven’t stopped taking our stunning portraits, so for your portrait visit our portrait site at Lambert Style.

If you are interested in having shoot some products shots for your company, check our new web site at Photography by Lambert

A Special Shop in Frederick MD


This weekend has come and gone way too fast for us.

First I treated Molly to a special day at the Spa.    She has never experienced this kind of pampering from head to toe.   Needless to say, she completely enjoyed her special morning.   I followed her spa day with dinner at Acacia on Market Street Frederick MD.  I little wine and a Filet Mignon to die for.   I did all of this to celebrate her birthday.  Yes Molly is ahum, forty years young and holding.   And she will be forever Forty Years Young.

Then we visited this wonderful shop on the corner of Market and 2nd St, called Tiara Day.    Molly and I both love this place because of the special clothing and accessories that we have invested in for the Pastel Dreams Sessions at Lambert Style.

If you follow us via Face Book or on Twitter, please go check out Tiara Day this weekend.





Pastel Dreams is online


First and most important, I am not going to shoot Boudoir portraits as most other photographers around the country are shooting. Almost every day, more and more photographers are pickup up Boudoir Portraits but only to copy the next photographer. They follow the same approach that is use for lingerie advertisement or use the same concept used in many gentlemen magazines as a template for these portraits. Many of the portraits are neither flattering and in many cases come short of becoming pornographic.

What I am perusing is a style that was popular in the 19 century and is and is once again greatly in demand in Europe. These Portraits are called Victorian or Romance Portraits, other artist call it Bohemian Portraits. Last March, I had the opportunity to meet a very fine British Portrait Painter who has adapted this old style of portraiture in his painting and I simply fell in love with his work and his ideas of what real women truly want in this romantic style of art.

You will not find Vitoria Secret panties being stretch by a stiletto heal or a totally nude house wife only covered by a Chiffon scarf. We will shoot portraits that are romantic and tasteful but beautiful enough to hang on the wall of your home.

We call these portraits Pastel Dreams, and we offer three levels of portraits.

Visit Pastel Dreams today at dreams.lambertstyle.com


The New Seniors of 2012 Web Site is up.

Last Saturday, I launched my New Seniors of 2012 and after a few tweaks, the site is now ready for the mainstream.

So come visit and enjoy the new site.   http://photographybylambert.com/seniors2012/


Something very disturbing has been happening in the blogging and Facebook world.

Dear Fellow Bloggers and Facebook participants,
First, I need to tell you that I love you all. You have all dedicated your time and resources to becoming the most awesome curators of this high speed world we call the internet. You’ve defined and refined your own personal vision by selecting the best images to covey your carefully crafted boards of inspiration alongside your witty words of wisdom. Seriously, I dig what you’ve got going on and I think what you’re doing is fabulous. BUT.

I would love to continue supporting you by giving you awesome content for “free.”

All of that beautiful work my clients invest into their weddings, or that I personally invest into a special creative shoot just for the benefit of you and your readers, all of that has value which you get to benefit from in ad dollars and clicks and hits to your blog. Hopefully, I get to benefit by getting at least one more awesome client out of it.

You see, in order to continue providing that beautiful content and in order to keep getting clients who are awesome enough to design those super creative real weddings, I really need my name to be ON my work. As wonderful as it is to have a link to my site under an image I provide you, it’s equally NOT awesome when someone takes that inspiring image that I have created (and my couple’s) from your blog and then uploads it to another website, inspiration board, or commercial site and doesn’t give me any credit for creating the image, doesn’t give the couple any credit for their creativity, and doesn’t give you any credit for featuring it.

It’s totally not your fault… or is it?

There’s a good reason why I watermark images on my own blog and on my Facebook page- it’s because I KNOW people will take those images and put them elsewhere online. That’s what makes blogs so awesome! I’m totally willing to put my work out there for free because I know that if someone ends up finding my image in some random place online and loves it, they’ll still know how to find the creator because my name is ON the image. That someone could be a cool client who hires me to create more beautiful images, or maybe a magazine editor that wants to feature one of my couple’s weddings.

How will they ever find me once my image leaves your blog if my name isn’t on the image itself?

How are you protecting and supporting the work of photographers who are providing you with the yummy FREE content you need to keep your readers coming back for more which ultimately keep your pockets full of ad revenue? Seems like the LEAST you could do is provide a link AND let us put branding or SOME kind of watermark on the content we’re giving you for FREE. I know it won’t prevent people from cropping out the logo or watermark if they really want to- but at least you’ve done your part. At least YOU have been the responsible one who is committed to keeping your favorite photographers connected to their own work. Even if you created a small border around the image that blends into the background of your blog with a simple website or copyright text in the border with matching font from your blog, you’d be able to provide creator credit ON the image without disrupting the overall flow or look of your carefully designed blog or inspiration board.   And what is truly neat is that all of those who see those awesome images can look me up by Google and binging my name from the watermark and find me on the net.  And that is a positive credit to you.

We are Starting with a New Website

The new Website became official on December 4th but without all the the hoopla that one would expect.   But we are preparing some specials that will bring to the attention too the people of Frederick about our Photographic Services.

Holiday Discount for the first 20 customers that visit this site from Twitter.  We will have a way to prevent people from taking advantage by means of a special code they potential customer will need to find.

Also, we will be donating my trade mark Ponytail to Locks of Love this Weekend and will have photos and will be promoting the lucky Hair Solon on our Blog and in Twitter.

There is even more, But I will just keep it here for now.