P Thomas Lambert's Views and Comments about his work with Photography by Lambert

Posts tagged “Pastel Dreams

A Fun Project with my Makeup Artist


My makeup artist is among the first person you will meet before we start your Pastel Dream Session, Romantic Figurative Session or even of Enchanted Portrait Sessions.  She is fun, witty, and sometimes way out there.  But one very important asset she possesses, Beauty, and last Saturday, despite my mouth pain and Molly’s Broken toe, we created some stunning images for my Makeup Artist.


Let me Introduce my Makeup Artist Natasha Sriracha.


When you come in for your Pastel Dreams Session, you will be in good hands with the artistry of Natasha.



Photography: P Thomas Lambert
Makeup: Natasha Sricacha
Studio Assistant: Molly Wietz
Makeup used is by Mary Kay.

Read that Contract Carefully Before Signing.


For those who have experienced a Boudoir session with another photographer, did you consider that your images from that session may not be as private as you would hope they would be?

I am not saying that all Boudoir Photographers would be so bold to put some of the images for your Session on their blog or even on facebook without your permission.    But there is a little bit of information that you need to know about a lot of the contracts that you might have signed for the privilege of have a Boudoir Session with lot of Photographers.

Allot of Boudoir Photographers will incorporate the Model Release right in the contract without the option of a right to revoke of the use of your images on the web, blog or even Facebook.    Once you sign the contract you have also signed a model release, and the photographer is free to use your images as she fits.    Now granted, there are a few photographers that will give a window of 30 days after signing their required Model Release to either revoke the release or modifying it.   But far too few clients, ever think about that clause in the contract until it’s too late.

Some caring photographers out there will give you the option of selecting  in a check box to revoke the rights of the studio the use of the images from your session.   But wait, in the buildup of excitement and the process of having you get ready for your session, a lot of photographers will have you glance through the contract and have you sign it just so get you going on your session.   You will get copies of the contract, and the copies will have printed on the Client Copy.   But when you get home and realize that you did not check the box stating that You Do Not Wish Your Photos to be Published, you have given the photographer right to use those images.   More self respecting photographers will point out your options and will make you select one of the options that would include Do Not Use or Publish.    In many cases, the photographer may allow you to revoke the right for them to publish, but you won’t know until you call them.

Now, allot of Boudoir Photographers are either just starting out or trying to refresh their Galleries or Portfolio, and many of them do not have the funds to go out and get Models for these sessions.    So they will often give away a complimentary session in return for the use of those images, a very common practice with models call Trade for Prints or Trade for Publish.

Now there is yet another photographer who will offer her clients a massive discount for the rights to use the images from the session, but if you were looking for an inexpensive Boudoir Photo Session and not have the photos published, it will cost you allot more for your privacy.

Lambert Style is no different when it come to refreshing our Galleries.   Dreams at Lambert Style will employ the use of Models, but also will offer a free session to many of our clients who are not models and offer a free session with the understanding that we would like to use their images on our web site as well.   But here is the kicker, you get to select the images that we use.   Besides having a Proper Model Release that is not incorporated into our Contract, we also have very specific consent form that we use with our Romantic Figurative Study for use during the session.

One very special note about the Romantic Figurative Study:  Even though, you may sign a Models Release for your session, Dreams at Lambert Style will never publish these images on the Web or Blog.   These images will be used in a private Album and viewed only with clients on a one on one meeting with only those women are looking for examples of our Romantic Figurative Studies.

For those women who actually come to our studio for a paid session, our contracts will not contain any verbiage that will allow Lambert Style to use any of the images from the session.   In fact we will give you a Non Use and Publish Agreement between our Studio and the Client, but the client must also consent on paper to not publish her images as well.   Discovery of the any of the images from her session in use on the web or in a magazine will nullify our original agreement and our studio.

I am not trying to discourage you from having a Boudoir Session, but I am trying to educate you so you can make a more informed decision on whether you may want to use specific photographers based on the how they handle your personal images.

Help Us Fill our Gallery

Our Pastel Dreams Gallery is Empty, and not because we don’t have Art to display, but we do need your help to add new and fresh art to our gallery.

Lambert Style has developed Pastel Dreams Portraits and it is so fresh that we lack any quality art to display. So we need your help in filling this gallery and here is where you get to benefit.

The next few months, we are going to wave our session fees and offer you the opportunity for a complementary Pastel Dream Portrait Session without any obligation to you.   Plus we will also give you a free 8X10 or 10X10 gift print and an additional 25% off your Portrait Purchase.    In return, we will ask you to give us permission to use your portrait on our online gallery and as a Framed Display Print in our Studio. All of the portraits will be taken in our studio.

We are limiting this offer to the first 20 couples or Women. We hope to be able to create a stunning Gallery with your help. So please contact us at 301- 898-2192 or 301- 524-9459 and say that your interested in our free Pastel Dreams Portrait offer.

And as we start building our Gallery, we will feature our new art on our Web site and many of our images will appear in this blog.  Even more importantly, we will be competing many of these images in several respectable Professional Photography Organizations Portrait Competitions.

But if you are looking for more the Soft Romantic and Artistic Style of a Figurative Portraiture, then please contact us and we will setup an appointment to talk and plan your Pastel Dream Session.


Pastel Dreams is online


First and most important, I am not going to shoot Boudoir portraits as most other photographers around the country are shooting. Almost every day, more and more photographers are pickup up Boudoir Portraits but only to copy the next photographer. They follow the same approach that is use for lingerie advertisement or use the same concept used in many gentlemen magazines as a template for these portraits. Many of the portraits are neither flattering and in many cases come short of becoming pornographic.

What I am perusing is a style that was popular in the 19 century and is and is once again greatly in demand in Europe. These Portraits are called Victorian or Romance Portraits, other artist call it Bohemian Portraits. Last March, I had the opportunity to meet a very fine British Portrait Painter who has adapted this old style of portraiture in his painting and I simply fell in love with his work and his ideas of what real women truly want in this romantic style of art.

You will not find Vitoria Secret panties being stretch by a stiletto heal or a totally nude house wife only covered by a Chiffon scarf. We will shoot portraits that are romantic and tasteful but beautiful enough to hang on the wall of your home.

We call these portraits Pastel Dreams, and we offer three levels of portraits.

Visit Pastel Dreams today at dreams.lambertstyle.com
